The Sorcerors Guild

The Sorcerors are a group of Occultists who channel energy from other planes by using crystals. The energy that they wield is shaped into forms which allow them to crush their enemys or for other more mundane tasks. Sorcerors need to be very intelligent since their spells require tremendous concentration and skill to cast. Although loosly organised, the Sorcerors are a fiercesome group to contend with.


The spells of the Sorceror and the ability to channel energy have been around since the earliest days, but only recently have they been rediscovered by mortals. Deep in the heart of the Hith Gennel mountains, an earthquake occured as geographical plates shifted. This loosened a massive crystal shard known in ancient times as the Eye of Gullhach. This great crystal reopened an energy gateway and drew tremendous powers from other planes. The crystal was soon discovered by mortal men and once again, the ancient powers of sorcery live.

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Last Updated: 13 June 1996